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“Ross Valley Players’ Pet Lingerie as amusing as its name… Much of the tale is told in clever songs such as “Kickstart My Life” and “This Digital Age.” Landers Markwick and Natalie Buck-Bauer are superb singers, backed by a backstage band led by Kevin X. Dong… The show spoofs online hustlers, influencers, TV and internet culture, religion and the generally deplorable state of life in America. That may sound like a lot to squeeze into one production, but co-authors Fred Raker and Bruce Tallerman do so admirably.” – Barry Willis (Marin IJ)

“Audience laughter and sporadic applause pummel the rafters at The Barn Theater… Natalie Buck-Bauer as Silvana, Landers Markwick as Ruben, and Robin Schild as Frank, all showcase impressive singing voices… RVP New Works deserves support; it’s exciting and brave to stage original plays with topical themes.” – Woody Weingarten (For All Events)



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