A musical about love, dreams and really bad crowdfunding ideas. We’re at the Airport Suites Hotel in Terre Haute, Indiana, where three characters meet to reboot their lives and present their outlandish and downright silly entrepreneurial ideas to suave, tech-crazed marketing guru, Gary Panko. 

Muffler salesman Ruben Mondello, plumber Frank Pincus, and yoga enthusiast/cookie baker Frances Ulrich, advance their crazy inventions in this comedy that shows the snags of embracing technology over tenderness. Add to the mix— Silvana,  an Italian flight attendant with a grudge, Susan, a tribute band singer with big aspirations, and Rabbi Ben who wants to be a playwright. 

All get a new take on what it means to really connect.

Pet LIngerie is the 2025 New Works production, chosen from over 70 previously unproduced plays long and short submitted by living Bay Area playwrights. Co-writers Fred Raker and Bruce Tallerman met in Hollywood, writing for television, before decamping to Northern California and new chapters in their literary lives.

This light-hearted spoof is for anyone who can’t remember their passwords or resist the siren call of their smartphone. In 2025, it seems like the moment for a subversive little satire like Pet Lingerie to question this “Digital Age.”


    • Thursday Night Preview – March 20 at 7:30 pm
    • Opening Night – Friday, March 21 at 7:30 pm
    • Show Times:  Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30PM, Sundays at 2:00PM

*Saturday, April 5 is a matinee*



CAST (Alphabetically)

Silvana Concino – Natalie Buck-Bauer
Susan Night – AnneJelika “AJ” Ong Cortez
Gary Panko – Laszlo Horner
Ruben Mondello – Landers Markwick
Frank Pincus – Robin Schild
Rabbi Moshe Ben-Hogan – Dan Schwager
The Puppeteer – Ron Talbot
Frances Ulrich – Vicki Victoria

Understudies – Suzanne Carroll and Adonis Reyes



Conductor/Piano – Kevin X. Dong
Guitar/Mandolin – Thinh Nguyen
Drums/Bass Guitar – Wesley Booth


Producers – Michael R. Cohen, Jay Manley, and Lynn Lohr
Director/Choreographer – Gary Stanford, Jr.
Stage Manager – Dianne Harrison
Assistant Stage Manager – Adonis Reyes
Musical Direction – Kevin X. Dong
Set Design/Master Builder – Michael Walraven
Lighting Design – Michele Samuels
Costume Design – Valera Coble
Sound Design – Billie Cox
Property Design/Scenic Painter – Dhyanis Carniglia
Intimacy Choreographer – Heather Ondersma
Puppetry Coach – Chris Morrell
Photographer – Robin Jackson
Graphic Design – Mark Shepard
Program Consultants – Suzie Hughes and Nancy Wilson
Volunteer Coordinator – Eleanor Prugh
Web Manager – Andy Wilson
Lobby Flowers and Décor – Maureen Kalbus